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Here are some projects I made.

Farmhouse Susu Lembang

Virtual Tour

Farmhouse Bandung is located in Lembang District, Bandung. It is the first European theme attraction ever built in Indonesia.


This Virtual Tour was made for a new marketing tool to show up every places in Farmhouse with 360° Virtual Reality Engine.

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Hade Gawe

Instagram Account

In Hade Gawe, I manage Instagram account. From doing a research, creating, designing the content, create copywriting for the content, and maintain social media engagement. 


The content made in Hade Gawe is about marketing & business, life hack tutorial, design graphic, etc in Indonesia Language.




Social Entrepeneurship

AIESEC Social Project

This project supported SDG No. 8 by developing a UMKM in a rural area, Ciumbuleuit, Bandung. We developed marketing, producing, and financing sides for developing the UMKM which is Kicimpring Cidadap. We were successful to develop the UMKM, the profit was increased, the management system became better and got achievement from government. This project ran by international (Portugal, Italy, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Canada, etc) and local volunteers.

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